New to Me Music - The Royal Rhythmaires

I am always on the hunt for new music, especially after purging a lot of what I already had. I found myself constantly skipping songs, because I was not in the mood to listen to them. After a while, I realized that I was always skipping the same songs. It was time to purge. Now I am on a search for music to fill the void. One of the groups I discovered in my search was The Royal Rhythmaires.

This group hails from Fort Worth, Texas. The band consists of a two saxophones, an upright bass, a piano, drums, and a vocalist. Their music is heavily influenced by early rhythm and blues. It is sure to keep your foot tapping, if it does not get you up to dance. I have listened to the entire album since purchasing it a couple weeks ago, and haven't come across a song I didn't like. I enjoy vocalist Jai Malano's soulful voice. It seems that there are few bands that have this sound. I was super excited that I came across their music. 

You can check out their facebook page to download the track Cajun Boy and listen to other tracks. Looks like they mostly tour around Texas. I hope someday they make it farther out. I'd love to see them live. 

What are some of your favorite modern bands?

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